Finally I Could Live Without You



               Auguries of Innocence
               The Life of Pophan

               Angel Type


Zodiac Signs

In the publication project with CHU;JU(蛆;菌), Han was given seven challenging questions, and she answered—or sometimes didn’t answer—in different ways, creating a visual Q&A collection. This time, she also included a few personal secrets, not about astrology or fortune-telling, but about exploring what it means to be human.

1. Zeitgeist consumption
2. How to make penis cute
3. Reward mechanism
4. Age of Narcissism
5. Superstition in the Pigeons
6. Cave
7. Manzai

Zodiac Signs

72 pages
Edition of 200
Published by 蛆;菌

Comes with 1/200 slice of a drawing